Clinic Introduction
Floor by floor
10th floor
Baby Studio Roof Garden -
9th floor
- 8th floor
- 7th floor
6th floor
- 5th floor
- 4th floor
3rd floor
Obstetrics / Gynecology Center for Love and Hope (Infertility center) General Surgery Laboratory Counselling Office Hospital Affairs Registration / Receipt Reservation of Consultation for Postnatal Care Center - 2nd floor
- 1st floor
10th floor
Hospitable speech
We are welcome you and thank you for your visit of Cheongna Women's Hospital (CWH).
CWH is located in Cheongna Int'l City, the Free Economic Zone of Korea.
As a national leading women's hospital we try to serve supreme service to out-patient from home and abroad by introducing the state-of-the-art medical technologies.CWH was established with aim of providing the world-class service by cooperating with Deparments of Obstetrics/Gynecology, Pediatrics Adolescent, Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Radiology, Anesthesiology/Pain Medicine, Dentistry, Dermatology, Postnatal Care Center, Medical Examination Center and Oriental Medical Clinic.
And we consider patients are our top priority, purposing women's total health care with advanced medical facilities and fully experienced staffs. -
Constant research and experienced specialists
| Vision | ComfortRelaxationFamiliarityAs a women' medical facility in Cheongna Int'l City, the Free Economic Zone of Korea, we serve a purpose as a general hospital with establishing Departments of Obstetrics/Gynecology, Women's Surgery, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics Adolescent, Anesthesiology/Pain Medicine, Dentistry, Dermatology, Postnatal Care Center, Medical Examination Center and Oriental Medical Clinic.
- High quality medical service from 20 excellent staff-doctors
- Obstetrics/Gynecology specialists are available 24hrs 365 days
- Separate clinics per gynecological diseases
- A women's hospital in Incheon area with a grand scale
- Excellent medical facilities with luxurious but eco-friendly interior
- Birth with family, customized birth, special birth, naturalism birth are possible
- Mother and infant can stay in a same room to promote breast feeding
- Comprehensive nursing care from nurses by department
- Cooperation system among departments of Obstetrics/Gynecology, Pediatric Adolescent, Women's Surgery and Internal Medicine
- Operating Medical Examination Center
- Operating Love-and-Wish Center (Sterility)
- Medical service with Oriental Clinic and Dental Clinic.., and various amenities
- Comfortable facilities and high quality service from fertility to birth and even for postnatal care
- Establishing cooperation system with 1st grade general hospital
| Address: Incheon metropolitan city, Seo-gu, Jungbang-daero, 602 (Yeonhi-dong, 799-3)
Station Bus № Exllu Tower 42, 40, 41-1, 17-1, 595, 9300, M6118, 904-1 Poonglim Exllu Tower 221B, 223A, 306, 307 Jungbong Daero 7700 Community Service Center 2-1, 904 Gwangmyeong meiruz A 42, 42-1, 42-2, 46, 2-1, 72, 595, 904 The way from the Airport - Take Airport Express at Gimpo/Incheon Int'l Airport → Get off at Geomam Station → Take Bus #591 - Get off at Homeplus bus stop
- Take Airport Express at Gimpo/Incheon Int'l Airport → Get off at Cheongna Int'l City Station → Take Bus #904 - Get off at Lynn Strauss bus stop
- Take Airport Express at Gimpo/Incheon Int'l Airport → Get off at Geomam Station → Take Bus #43-2 - Get off at Hoban Vertium Complex 14th bus stop
- Take Airport Express at Gimpo/Incheon Int'l Airport → Get off at Cheongna Int'l City Station → Take Bus #40 - Get off at Cheongna 2(il)-dong Resident Center bus stop
- Take Airport Express at Gimpo/Incheon Int'l Airport → Get off at Cheongna Int'l City Station → Take Bus #46 - Get off at Gwangmyeong MAYLUZ bus stop
- Medical Personnel
Floor by floor
- Departments
- Priority Center
Surgery Center
Laparoscopic surgery is a surgical technique, when a telescopic rod lens, connectable to a video camera for observing the abdominal cavity, is inserted through 5mm~10mm trocar
to confirm lesions on TV monitor after injecting carbon dioxide into the abdomen and operations are performed through other 2 small incisions on the lower abdomen. There is also a single-port laparoscopy, which requires only a single small incision of 1~1.5cm.
Laparascopic surgery also called pelviscopic surgery and even the laser laparascopic surgery, because sometimes it uses the laser cautery. And there is a hysteroscopic surgery, in which operations are performed in uterus by inserting camera and surgical instruments through vagina, when lesions ate located in uterus.
This laparascopic surgery is rapidly developing especially in the gynecology field and now it is introduced in the surgeries of gynecology such as treatments of ectopic pregnancy and endometriosis, ovarian tumor extirpation tubal replantation, myomectomy, hysterectomy and gynecological malignancy extirpation.
It is also used at the infertility clinic to investigate the causes of and to treat infertility.
CWH is performing all the mentioned surgeries with the state-of-the-art medical instruments of laparascopy and hysteroscopy.Advantages of Laparascopic Surgery
- Less pain. A lot less pain versus an open procedure.
- Less chance of side effects such as infection.
Reduced exposure of internal organs to possible contamination thereby reduced risk of acquiring infections. - Less hospital stay. Early discharge versus an open procedure.
- Short recovery time. Normally an immediate return to everyday living after discharge is possible.
- Less post-operative scarring. Smaller incision reduces size of scar resulting better aesthetic effect.
- More delicate operation is possible by securing expanded clear surgical view. Patients can be treated more delicately and accurately.
Disadvantages of Laparascopic Surgery
- Laparascopic surgery is clearly advantageous versus an open procedure.
- However, the surgery will be impossible by failure of securing clear view when adhesions of small intestine or large intestine are severe and serious. In this case, an open procedure is unavoidable.
It doesn't mean that laparascopic surgery is always impossible when there is an adhesion.
It depends on the degree of adhesion.
CWH can perform laparascopic and hysteroscopic surgeries, incliding
- Hysterectomy
- Myomectomy
- Myolisis
- Ovarian cystectomy or Oophorectomy
- eg, salpingectomy, salpingostomy
- Diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis
- Hysteroscopic polypectomy
- Tubal ligation
- Appendectomy
- Medical Exam'tion
- Postpartum Care
- Request Treatment
청라여성병원에서는 유방조직 검사장비 유방엔코를 사용하여 검진과 동시에 치료를 진행하고 있습니다.
유방에서 발견된 혹을 조직검사와 동시에 제거하는 수술법으로 이런 수술법을 진공 보조 유방 생검 수술이라고 합니다. 엔코, 맘모톰이 이 수술법에 해당됩니다.
엔코 유방 조직검사기는 유방암의 진단에 필요한 적적량의 유방조직을 수술없이 충분히 채취할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 혹, 멍울 등 이상 병변도 큰 흉터 없이 제거할 수 있습니다.
엔코 장점
1. 단 한번의 바늘 삽입으로 여러 개의 이상병변(혹, 멍울)을 간단히 제거할 수 있습니다.
2. 부분 마취로 시술 하므로 전신마취로 인한 후유증 가능성이 없어 신체적, 정신적 고통을 줄여줍니다.
3. 초음파로 확인하며 조직검사 하므로 유선과 같은 정상조직의 피해를 최소화 시킵니다.
4. 4~5mm의 바늘자국만 있으므로 봉합할 필요가 없으며 흉터가 거의 남지 않습니다.
5. 조직제거시 탐침 내부의 예리한 칼날이 좌우로 회전하면서 절삭하므로 환부를 깨끗하게 제거하며 정상조직의 상처가 작아 회복시간이 빠릅니다.
6. tri-concave tip 사용으로 탐침 삽입 시 조직 저항이 적어 쉽게 삽입이 되므로 조직 내부상처를 줄여줍니다.
7. 샘플을 채취하는 공간이 반만 열리는 Half 샘플 기능이 있어 1cm 미만의 혹이나 멍울제거 시 정상조직까지 절제할 필요가 없어 용이합니다. (기존 제품은 환부가 작아도 약 2cm의 구경을 열어 불필요하였습니다.
8. 삽입력증가, 절삭력증가, 자동회전프로그램, 조직채취챔버채택 등으로 전체 시술기간이 획기적으로 개선, 출혈을 줄여주고 회복시간을 단축시켜 줍니다.
엔코 시술 후 관리
1. 시술 후 바로 자가운전은 피하고 1시간 정도 안정을 취하셔야 합니다.
2. 시술 후 적어도 하루 동안 격렬한 상세 움직임은 피해주세요.
3. 가슴탄력붕대는 1~2일 후 푸시고 난후 가벼운 샤워 정도는 하셔도 됩니다.
4. 상처가 아물때까지 1~2일 간격으로 상처부위를 소독관리하시면 됩니다.